History’s Heroes & Landmark Legacy
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History’s Heroes & Landmark Legacy
Members and Sponsors
Thanks to all of our members for their event sponsorship or membership support!
We deeply appreciate their choice to support Naples Historical Society this way.
Membership Supporters
History’s Heroes and Landmark Legacy Members
Mr. & Mrs. Bud and Diane Ames
Mr. Mark Borelli
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew and Lindsey Brown
Ms. Ruth Ann Burnett
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and Barbara Burrows
Mr. Gary Carlson
Ms. Susan Earl
Mr. & Mrs. John and Joyce Fain
Ms. Marianna Fitzhugh
Ms. Monica Frengel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Arlene Garrity
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald and Nancy Gruner
Ms. Corine Hadley
Ms. Elaina Hampton
Mrs. Kathy Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Terry and Lu Hoogenboom
Ms. Sarah Raup Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David and Siegrun Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Alan and Carolyn Keller
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kula
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher & Cassandra Lafond
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Lansen
Ms. Jeanne Mosher
Mr. Gregory Palmer, Harrison Design
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Kathy Redfern
Mr. Randolph Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Kristen Ritchie
Ms. Anne Robinson
Mrs. Nancy Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Lorraine Schapiro
Ms. Susan Sokolov
Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Joy Sweet
Mrs. Patricia Wagner
Mr. Corey Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Ken and Marilyn Way
Mr. Raey Webster and Ms. Candy Ahrenholz
Mr. & Mrs. William and Ann Westerfield
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Jan Whittow
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Barbara Wilcher
Mr. & Mrs. James and Catharine Willmer