Educational Programs
Educational programs offered at Naples Historical Society’s Historic Palm Cottage!
Our Tours
Our Events & LECTURES
Pupils at Palm Cottage
Naples Historical Society has partnered with the Collier County Public School district in a first-ever video production on Florida and local history for in-classroom presentation. The video, shown exclusively in fourth or fifth grade Collier County public school classrooms, ends with a live Q&A and has been very well received!
Of course, the Society continues to provide FREE field trips to Historic Palm Cottage for Collier County students as well. Teachers: we reimburse CCPS for yellow bus service!
We want every 4th and 5th grade student in Collier County to know the history of their own community because when children learn about the past, they understand the present, and enjoy thinking about the future…their own future!

Students…aka pupils…at Naples Historical Society’s Historic Palm Cottage having post-field trip fun in The Norris Gardens at Palm Cottage! (2020)
Archival Repository Project
The Archival Repository Project is on the Society’s long-range planning docket. This vast effort is what many libraries, governments, museums, municipalities, insurance companies, or any other industry or company that wants to protect its documents are doing or planning to do.
The Society has always had, in some form, a storeroom of sundry archival material. Over the last several years, it grew without effort. The relatively vast collection in the Society’s possession now are from those who donated their precious materials to the Society for safekeeping, or from those the Society sought out of a concern that the material would otherwise be tossed aside.
The current collection of historical materials comprises the Society’s archives, and its burgeoning existence presents an opportunity to craft a project, a major initiative, that will ultimately serve the Society and, more importantly, the community.
The material in the Society’s possession, and yet to be collected, includes any and all Naples history-based documents, newspaper articles, photos, artwork, images, objects, furniture, audio and video oral histories, printed memoirs, textiles, ephemera, postcards, books, published materials, reports, and other collectibles. Having and properly utilizing this amalgamated archival collection supports the Society’s vision to Be the Central Voice of Naples History.
Moving this project forward requires significant financial support–and time–to digitize and make it accessible to the public.
If you’re interested in knowing more about this project and how to help propel this forward, please call us. Thank you.

Call us to see how you can help move this forward!
Speaker’s Bureau
Naples Historical Society’s speaker’s bureau, or Talk of the Town!, provides lectures to all interested parties. We present on Naples history by bringing Historic Palm Cottage to you. Pricing starting at $150. Call for availability.

John Telischak, Education Manager, presents a fascinating lecture on Naples History (2024).
Naples Oral Histories
Naples Historical Society works to preserve the history of Naples in many ways. One area is to record old-timers and others who know about the community’s past. We have filmed, recorded, and acquired many films, videos, and audio tapes over the last many decades, all of which will someday soon be embedded on a Naples Historical Society You Tube channel for the enjoyment of the community. Stick with us to learn when this special A/V project will be finished!
Preservation & Rehabilitation
Naples Historical Society took the lead for historic preservation and rehabilitation in Naples long ago. Our work culminated in legislation that enables homeowners of recognized historic houses to rehabilitate their houses without the challenge of Florida Building Code’s 50% Rule.
There are two videos available for your review and consideration. One on the background of rehabilitation in Naples, and another featuring interviews with historic homeowners and building professionals who have a thing or two to say about Naples’ rehabilitation…a MUST-SEE!

Naples Historic District Videos
Our Community’s Expectations
Historic Rehabilitation in Naples